It official…


This officially marks the start of my new food blog. I had made an earlier attempt somewhere else too, but wordpress is so much nicer. I intend to blog mostly about the experimental things that I end up making on weeknights. Simple, sumptuous and hopefully healthy with a mix of carbs, veggies, meat, dairy, fibre etc. other essential items that two tired-from-work people can gobble down easily. And also the special dishes that we make on weekends – mostly a Bengali Thali.

Also, my best friend at work (and a new mom *hugs*) and me often share recipes and need a placeholder for easy reference later on. Additionally, there are a few friends living alone who have recently started discovering the joy of cooking. I hope you guys find this useful.

Occassionally, I’ll put up some of our family favourites that I had managed to learn mostly from my mother. Since we restrict the usage of too many spices and oil in our daily cooking, the procedure for some dishes might vary from their regular versions.

Cuisine style: urban cosmopolitan, bengali, eat to survive

A list of my favourite food blogs are listed too and I’ll be adding more of them in there.

Photos would be courtsey Sankarshan. (I did not ask you yet.. 😀 )

One Response to “It official…”

  1. Congratulations. When is the next post up ? And, oh ! nice theme.

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